Here at Bertera, we know that learning sticks when students have the tools they need to create new ways of thinking and experiencing the world. Through the Subaru Loves Learning initiative this August, we are supporting the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) by donating award-winning science books to K-12 students in our community. Bertera Subaru will be donating 150 Books to Philip G Coburn Elementary School. Let’s help start the school year off right! Watch the video below to learn more.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday August 1, 2017 – Thursday August 31, 2017
Location: Bertera Subaru

The AAAS seeks to advance science, innovation, and engineering throughout the world for the benefit of mankind. By nurturing students’ scientific interests and talents, AAAS programs provide exciting opportunities and outlets to help build bridges to careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. If we start them off young we’re starting them off right.
We believe that students are the only hope for a better future for all of us. You can help us inspire our students to learn more about science by writing a note of encouragement to a student on a bookmark. Your message and personalized book label will be inserted in a science book and donated on your behalf.
We’re also collecting commonly needed school supplies for students that may not have the means to get them on their own. Find out what’s needed below.

Most commonly needed school supplies:
•Backpacks (By far the most needed)
•Construction Paper
•Glue Sticks
•Masking Tape
•Colored Pencils
•Pencil Grips
•Pencil Holders
•3-hole Binder Paper
•Finger Paint
•General Art Supplies / Tissues / Lysol Etc.
and more!
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